Magento, PrestaShop and VirtueMart among most popular eshop platforms processing product data

E-commerce Platforms processing Product Data

Based on the Icecat sample of connected webshops in Q1 2017, the most popular standard webshop software platforms are Magento Commerce (9%), PrestaShop (8%) and VirtueMart/Joomla (4%). PrestaShop made relatively more progress, over the past years, than its contenders, and might surpass Magento soon in popularity. All three are open source platforms, which are complemented by WP Woocommerce (3%),  good-old osCommerce (3%) and Open Cart (2%). Many of these are supported by standard integrations.

The most popular market places are, not surprisingly, Ebay (3%), Amazon (3%) and Alibaba (1%).

The biggest category of platforms for webshops are actually custom, based on LAMP/PhP-based frameworks (9%), (7%) or Java (4%). A considerable number of users report to have developed their webshop “in-house” (5%), without specifying the software platform they use. This indicates, that there are no standard software platforms that completely satisfy the needs of its ecommerce users.

The world of e-commerce platforms for processing product data is tremendously fragmented: 24% of users report to use an “other” platform, not mentioned in our top 20. In total, there are some 100 e-commerce platforms that have 10 or more users. And, even the largest platform doesn’t surpass the 10% share, currently.

Trends are towards even further fragmentation, as also PIM (Product Information Management) systems are used more and more. Think, of SAP/Hybris, Oracle and Batavi.

Founder and CEO of Icecat NV. Investor. Ph.D.

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